External editors

When opening a resource the Workbench first consults its list of registered editors. If no registered editors are found for the resource the Workbench checks with the underlying operating system to determine if it has any editors registered for the particular file type. If an editor is located, the Workbench will automatically launch that editor. This type of editor is referred to as an external editor because it does not show up as an editor tab in the Workbench.

  1. Select a .ini file.

  2. Double-click the file in one of the navigation views to launch the external editor.

    If an editor for .ini files is not registered with the underlying operating system the Workbench will attempt to use its own default text editor. If this happens, to see an external editor, import another file (see previous sections) that is associated with a third party editor. Double click again on this new file and the selected editor will open in its own window.