Eclipse Platform User Guide
  Eclipse platform overview
  Getting started
    Basic tutorial
      The Workbench
      Editors and views
      A simple project
        Using the File menu
        Using the popup
        Using the New button
      Closing an editor
      Navigating resources
        Opening resources in the Project Explorer
        Go To
      Exporting files
      Importing files
        Drag and drop or copy and paste
        Import wizard
      Deleting resources
      Working with other editors
        External editors
        Embedded editors
        Editing files outside the Workbench
      Copying, renaming and moving
        Starting a search
        The Search view
      Tasks and markers
        Unassociated tasks
        Associated tasks
        Opening files
        Adding and viewing bookmarks
        Using bookmarks
        Removing bookmarks
      Rearranging views and editors
        Rearranging views
        Tiling editors
        Rearranging tabbed views
        Maximizing and minimizing
        New perspectives
        New windows
        Saving perspectives
        Turning menu and tool bar items on and off
        Simple compare
        Understanding the comparison
        Working with the comparison
      Local history
      Exiting the Workbench
    Ant & external tools tutorial
      Eclipse Ant basics
        Creating Ant buildfiles
        Editing Ant buildfiles
        Running Ant buildfiles
        Saving & Reusing Ant options
        Using the Ant view
      Ant buildfiles as project builders
        Creating a project builder Ant buildfile
        Executing project builders
        Project Builder Ant Targets
      External tools
        Non-Ant project builders
        Stand-alone external tools
      Resource hierarchies
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Path variables
      Resource filters
      Working sets
      Local history
      Ant Editor
      External editors
      Detached views
      Ant view
      Project Explorer view
      Help view
      Tasks view
      Problems view
      Outline view
      Properties view
      Search view
    Label decorations
    Ant & External tools
      Ant support
      External tools
    Accessibility features in Eclipse
      Navigating the user interface using the keyboard
      Accessibility features in textual editors
      Fonts and colors in Eclipse
    Running Eclipse
    Upgrading Eclipse
    Working with perspectives
      Switching between perspectives
      Specifying the default perspective
      Opening perspectives
      Changing where perspectives open
      Showing and hiding menu items and toolbar buttons
      Configuring the menu and toolbar of the perspective
      Configuring perspective shortcuts
      Saving a user defined perspective
      Deleting a user defined perspective
      Resetting perspectives
    Working with views and editors
      Opening views
      Moving and docking views
      Rearranging tabbed views
      Detaching views and editors
      Opening files for editing
      Associating editors with file types
      Editing files outside the Workbench
      Tiling editors
      Maximizing and minimizing in the eclipse presentation
    Customizing the Workbench
      Customizing welcome
        Customize Welcome Dialog
      Rearranging the main toolbar
      Changing the key bindings
      Changing fonts and colors
      Controlling single and double click behavior
      Importing and exporting preferences
      Large file associations
    Working with projects, folders and files
      Creating a project
      Closing projects
      Deleting projects
      Creating a folder
      Creating a file
      Creating linked resources
      Creating virtual folders
      Moving resources
      Copying resources
      Renaming resources
      Deleting resources
      Viewing resources properties
      Creating resource filters
    Navigating and finding resources
      Finding a resource quickly
      Searching for files
      Searching for text within a file
      Showing or hiding files in the Project Explorer view
      Linking the Project Explorer view to the active editor
    Problems, bookmarks, tasks and other markers
      Creating a bookmark within a file
      Creating a bookmark for an entire file
      Deleting a bookmark
      Adding line items in the Tasks view
      Associating a task with a resource
      Deleting tasks
      Filtering the Tasks and Problems views
      Automatically fixing problems
    Comparing resources
      Setting preferences for comparing files
      Understanding the comparison
      Merging changes in the compare editor
    Working with local history
      Comparing resources with the local history
      Replacing a resource with local history
      Restoring deleted resources from local history
      Setting local history preferences
      Importing existing projects
      Importing resources from the file system
      Importing resources from an Archive file
      Exporting resources to the file system
      Exporting resources to an Archive file
    Building resources
      Performing builds automatically
      Performing builds manually
      Saving resources automatically before a manual build
      Changing build order
    Running Ant buildfiles
      Modifying the Ant classpath
      Using a different version of Ant
      Adding new Ant tasks and types
    Running external tools
    Accessing help
      Navigating help topics
      Searching help
      Using help scopes
      Accessing context-sensitive help
      Help display settings
      Help accessibility
    Working in the team environment
      Synchronizing with the repository
        Version control life cycle: adding and ignoring resources
          Creating a global ignore pattern
          Overriding or removing resource ignore patterns
        Resolving conflicts
      Setting the content type of a file extension
      Comparing resources with repository versions
      Working with patches
    Updating and installing software
      Updating the installation
      Installing new software
      Updating software using the Available Updates wizard
      Uninstalling software
      Installation Details
        Installation Details for Plug-ins
        Installation Details for Features
        Installation Details for the Configuration
      Adding a new software site
      Working with the Available Software sites
      Reverting to a previous install configuration
      Scheduling automatic updates
    Minimizing data loss from crashes
      Ant Content Assist
      Ant Editor
      Ant Formatter
      Ant Runtime
      Ant Templates
      Automatic Updates
      Available Software Sites
      Build Order
      Colors and Fonts
      Content Types
      Large File Associations
      External Tools
      File Associations
      Help Content
      Label Decorations
      Link Handlers
      Linked Resources
      Local History
      Network Connections
      Quick Diff
      Secure Storage
      Startup and Shutdown
      Team File Content
      Team Ignored Resources
        Ignoring resources from version control
      Team Models
      Text Editors
      UI Responsiveness Monitoring
      Web Browser
    Secure storage
      How secure storage works
      Password recovery
      Life of a master password
      Secure storage runtime options
    User interface information
      Development environment
        Workbench toolbar
        Perspective Bar
        View toolbars
        Local history
        List of key bindings
        Switching workspaces
      Views and editors
        Workbench window layout
        Editor area
        Compare editor
        Search view
        Project Explorer view
        Bookmarks view
        Properties view
        Outline view
        Tasks view
        Problems view
        Ant editor
        Ant view
        Error Log view
        New Project wizard
        New Folder wizard
        New File wizard
        Import wizard
        Export wizard
      Help contents
        Eclipse Platform User Guide
        Working with cheat sheets
          Working with composite cheat sheets
        File search
        Open Resource dialog
      Workbench menus
        File menu
        Edit menu
        Navigate menu
        Project menu
        Window menu
        Help menu
      Icons and buttons
        Project Explorer view icons
        Editor area marker bar
        Tasks view
        Toolbar buttons
        External Tools and Ant Icons
  Tips and tricks
    Version Control (Team)
  What's new
    Text Editors
    General Updates
  Eclipse platform overview
  Getting started
    Basic tutorial
      The Workbench
      Editors and views
      A simple project
        Using the File menu
        Using the popup
        Using the New button
      Closing an editor
      Navigating resources
        Opening resources in the Project Explorer
        Go To
      Exporting files
      Importing files
        Drag and drop or copy and paste
        Import wizard
      Deleting resources
      Working with other editors
        External editors
        Embedded editors
        Editing files outside the Workbench
      Copying, renaming and moving
        Starting a search
        The Search view
      Tasks and markers
        Unassociated tasks
        Associated tasks
        Opening files
        Adding and viewing bookmarks
        Using bookmarks
        Removing bookmarks
      Rearranging views and editors
        Rearranging views
        Tiling editors
        Rearranging tabbed views
        Maximizing and minimizing
        New perspectives
        New windows
        Saving perspectives
        Turning menu and tool bar items on and off
        Simple compare
        Understanding the comparison
        Working with the comparison
      Local history
      Exiting the Workbench
    Ant & external tools tutorial
      Eclipse Ant basics
        Creating Ant buildfiles
        Editing Ant buildfiles
        Running Ant buildfiles
        Saving & Reusing Ant options
        Using the Ant view
      Ant buildfiles as project builders
        Creating a project builder Ant buildfile
        Executing project builders
        Project Builder Ant Targets
      External tools
        Non-Ant project builders
        Stand-alone external tools
      Resource hierarchies
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Path variables
      Resource filters
      Working sets
      Local history
      Ant Editor
      External editors
      Detached views
      Ant view
      Project Explorer view
      Help view
      Tasks view
      Problems view
      Outline view
      Properties view
      Search view
    Label decorations
    Ant & External tools
      Ant support
      External tools
    Accessibility features in Eclipse
      Navigating the user interface using the keyboard
      Accessibility features in textual editors
      Fonts and colors in Eclipse
    Running Eclipse
    Upgrading Eclipse
    Working with perspectives
      Switching between perspectives
      Specifying the default perspective
      Opening perspectives
      Changing where perspectives open
      Showing and hiding menu items and toolbar buttons
      Configuring the menu and toolbar of the perspective
      Configuring perspective shortcuts
      Saving a user defined perspective
      Deleting a user defined perspective
      Resetting perspectives
    Working with views and editors
      Opening views
      Moving and docking views
      Rearranging tabbed views
      Detaching views and editors
      Opening files for editing
      Associating editors with file types
      Editing files outside the Workbench
      Tiling editors
      Maximizing and minimizing in the eclipse presentation
    Customizing the Workbench
      Customizing welcome
        Customize Welcome Dialog
      Rearranging the main toolbar
      Changing the key bindings
      Changing fonts and colors
      Controlling single and double click behavior
      Importing and exporting preferences
      Large file associations
    Working with projects, folders and files
      Creating a project
      Closing projects
      Deleting projects
      Creating a folder
      Creating a file
      Creating linked resources
      Creating virtual folders
      Moving resources
      Copying resources
      Renaming resources
      Deleting resources
      Viewing resources properties
      Creating resource filters
    Navigating and finding resources
      Finding a resource quickly
      Searching for files
      Searching for text within a file
      Showing or hiding files in the Project Explorer view
      Linking the Project Explorer view to the active editor
    Problems, bookmarks, tasks and other markers
      Creating a bookmark within a file
      Creating a bookmark for an entire file
      Deleting a bookmark
      Adding line items in the Tasks view
      Associating a task with a resource
      Deleting tasks
      Filtering the Tasks and Problems views
      Automatically fixing problems
    Comparing resources
      Setting preferences for comparing files
      Understanding the comparison
      Merging changes in the compare editor
    Working with local history
      Comparing resources with the local history
      Replacing a resource with local history
      Restoring deleted resources from local history
      Setting local history preferences
      Importing existing projects
      Importing resources from the file system
      Importing resources from an Archive file
      Exporting resources to the file system
      Exporting resources to an Archive file
    Building resources
      Performing builds automatically
      Performing builds manually
      Saving resources automatically before a manual build
      Changing build order
    Running Ant buildfiles
      Modifying the Ant classpath
      Using a different version of Ant
      Adding new Ant tasks and types
    Running external tools
    Accessing help
      Navigating help topics
      Searching help
      Using help scopes
      Accessing context-sensitive help
      Help display settings
      Help accessibility
    Working in the team environment
      Synchronizing with the repository
        Version control life cycle: adding and ignoring resources
          Creating a global ignore pattern
          Overriding or removing resource ignore patterns
        Resolving conflicts
      Setting the content type of a file extension
      Comparing resources with repository versions
      Working with patches
    Updating and installing software
      Updating the installation
      Installing new software
      Updating software using the Available Updates wizard
      Uninstalling software
      Installation Details
        Installation Details for Plug-ins
        Installation Details for Features
        Installation Details for the Configuration
      Adding a new software site
      Working with the Available Software sites
      Reverting to a previous install configuration
      Scheduling automatic updates
    Minimizing data loss from crashes
      Ant Content Assist
      Ant Editor
      Ant Formatter
      Ant Runtime
      Ant Templates
      Automatic Updates
      Available Software Sites
      Build Order
      Colors and Fonts
      Content Types
      Large File Associations
      External Tools
      File Associations
      Help Content
      Label Decorations
      Link Handlers
      Linked Resources
      Local History
      Network Connections
      Quick Diff
      Secure Storage
      Startup and Shutdown
      Team File Content
      Team Ignored Resources
        Ignoring resources from version control
      Team Models
      Text Editors
      UI Responsiveness Monitoring
      Web Browser
    Secure storage
      How secure storage works
      Password recovery
      Life of a master password
      Secure storage runtime options
    User interface information
      Development environment
        Workbench toolbar
        Perspective Bar
        View toolbars
        Local history
        List of key bindings
        Switching workspaces
      Views and editors
        Workbench window layout
        Editor area
        Compare editor
        Search view
        Project Explorer view
        Bookmarks view
        Properties view
        Outline view
        Tasks view
        Problems view
        Ant editor
        Ant view
        Error Log view
        New Project wizard
        New Folder wizard
        New File wizard
        Import wizard
        Export wizard
      Help contents
        Eclipse Platform User Guide
        Working with cheat sheets
          Working with composite cheat sheets
        File search
        Open Resource dialog
      Workbench menus
        File menu
        Edit menu
        Navigate menu
        Project menu
        Window menu
        Help menu
      Icons and buttons
        Project Explorer view icons
        Editor area marker bar
        Tasks view
        Toolbar buttons
        External Tools and Ant Icons
  Tips and tricks
    Version Control (Team)
  What's new
    Text Editors
    General Updates
GEB Automation IDE Guide
  Online help
  Online help