Test case R0003
Full test suiteDevice test case
Global vars in pou
This test case it part of the test suite proposed for new devices.
Test case ID: R0003
Language: ST
tests2/t0003.stPROGRAM T0003 VAR_GLOBAL GL1T0003 : INT := 13; END_VAR VAR X : INT := 17; f : FB1_T0003; END_VAR f(IN1 := X); X := f.Z; _GEB_ASSERT_(GL1T0003 = 14); _GEB_ASSERT_(X = 31); END_PROGRAM (* increments global var and returns that value plus the input *) FUNCTION_BLOCK FB1_T0003 VAR_EXTERNAL GL1T0003 : INT; END_VAR VAR_INPUT IN1 : INT; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT Z : INT; END_VAR GL1T0003 := GL1T0003 + 1; Z := GL1T0003 + IN1; END_FUNCTION_BLOCK