Test case R0163
Full test suiteDevice test case
Custom string functions
This test case it part of the test suite proposed for new devices.
Test case ID: R0163
Language: ST
tests2/t0163.stPROGRAM R0163 VAR s1,s2,s3,s4: STRING; ba,b1,b2 : BYTE; END_VAR ba := 97; // lower case a s1 := 'HELO'; b1 := GET_CHAR_AT(s1, 1); // _GEB_MSG_(BYTE_TO_STRING(b1)); _GEB_ASSERT_(b1 = 72); // 'H' b1 := GET_CHAR_AT(s1, 4); _GEB_ASSERT_(b1 = 79); // 'O' b1 := GET_CHAR_AT(s1, 5); // illegal _GEB_ASSERT_(b1 = 0); // illegal s2 := SET_CHAR_AT(s1, 2, ba); _GEB_ASSERT_(s2 = 'HaLO'); s2 := SET_CHAR_AT(s2, 1, ba); _GEB_ASSERT_(s2 = 'aaLO'); s1 := SET_CHAR_AT(s1, 4, ba); _GEB_ASSERT_(s1 = 'HELa'); END_PROGRAM